Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2012

[NEWS] G-Dragon x Seungri x Se7en's Twitter Convo (121211)

  • @ForvictoRi: @IBGDRGN U and..... ME^^
  • @IBGDRGN: @ForvictoRi Don't do this kind of thing"
  • @ForvictoRi: @IBGDRGN Hyung why do you treat so coldly to me? You must have changed.....”
  • @IBGDRGN: @ForvictoRi Do talk (not tweet) because you are next to me......" *LOL GRi*~
Oh 간지(Gan Ji) is Se7en's dog. RIP Gan Ji
  • @IBGDRGN: @officialse7en YeaㅠㅠI feel sad tooㅠㅠ"
  • @officialse7en: @IBGDRGN play with Gaho~~^^
  • @IBGDRGN: @officialse7en play w/ Gaho as many times as you can~~^^
Stay with us for more updates! ^o^

Source: @ForvictoRi//@IBGDRGN//@officialse7en + Trans: @luekim
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Source : bigbangworldwide[dot]blogspot[dot]com

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